This is more applicable to older babies who are past the sleep training process. Optimal means your baby goes to sleep rather quickly. If your baby is waking early, then she is likely awake too long before the nap and you will need to shorten the wake time length so baby has less time awake between naps. Optimal means your baby takes the appropriate length of nap for the age and cycle length. Keep notes of waketime lengths and activities to see if there is a pattern with good naps and not-so-good naps.

Many times this is related to over-tiredness and over-stimulation. Sometimes the non-criers randomly have a hard time settling down. Some babies cry more than others during sleep training. This is more applicable for younger babies or babies just starting sleep training. Optimal means your baby goes down for a nap relatively easily without much crying. This post will help you get your Babywise wake time length down. For that purpose, I have written this post to help you get wake time length spot on. That means naps will be 1.5 to 2 hours long and baby will either sleep through the night or wake up less often in the night. Your little one will make it through the sleep cycle and wake up refreshed. They will fall asleep easier and they will sleep through the sleep transition easily if the wake time length was correct. Babies sleep so much better when their wake time length was correct. Wake time will be from the time your baby wakes up until the time your baby goes back down for a nap or for bedtime.īaby sleep is so dependent on getting this wake time length correct.

Your baby wake times are the amount of time your baby is awake between nap.