It upgrades every webpage possible to secure https connections. It blocks privacy-invasive ads & trackers. Whereas IWBTG was all about subverting player expectations with seemingly impossible difficulty, Brave Earth: Prologue is a much more traditional, if retro game. Brave is one of the safest browsers on the market today. Still, this represents a radical game design shift for the developer. In development for several years, the developer acknowledges the influences and obvious inspirations that Brave Earth draws from, while also hoping that it too will stand out. You can play as either Frederik, the Magician or Throwald, the Warrior each with their own special powers and abilities. Initially supposed to be just a side project after moving on from the runaway success and countless fan games that IWBTG spawned, Brave Earth: Prologue represents the next step for ayinworks. Genre: Arcade & Action Adventure by GameOver-Games The second mystical adventure for the two Brave Dwarves Help them save Fairyland, one more time, as you fight your way through forests, dungeons and secret passages. Magical abilities, sword thrusts, and unique abilities all provide each of the three characters their own toolset with which to secure the castle. When an occultic ritual is uncovered, and monstrous, undead beasts begin rising from the earth, it's up to our three plucky heroes to kill that which has been dead once before. Brave Earth stars three characters who are all drawn to a mysterious castle for their own reasons. Looking like a cross between Shovel Knight and some of the older Castlevania games, Brave Earth: Prologue hopes to be something entirely unique.